The MAMMA flickr group theme last week was “remembrance”. Preparations for my craft show took precedence, and I did not get my entry done in time for the swap. But I thought the theme was worth spending some time on.
My mom has all these great photo albums of my relatives, lots of neat antique photos. Looking through them reminds me of where I’ve come from. Both my maternal great grandparents came off the boat from Sicily. I hope someday to visit the place of my ancestors.
This photo of my mom’s parents reminds me of how much they loved each other. They were together for 64 years when my grandfather passed a few years ago. I miss both of them greatly. I like to do things to honor their memories. I made a big shadowbox collage about my maternal grandmother I’ll show you someday.
The background was made a few months ago with gel medium and acrylic paint. Then I stitched the border on my sewing machine in brown thread. The lace was a gift from my grandmother. I have a box of old buttons I like to draw from for my ATCs. The metallic element that says “parents” came from my hunt at the Dollar Store for collage items. Nice score, I think.
I’m not sure when this photo of my Grandma Ann and Grandpa Chris was taken. Maybe when he was on leave from Korea or just returning home or right before he left. Aren’t these two just beautiful?
That's really beautiful! Is this a gift for your Mom or will you display it somewhere? We all miss Grandma & Grandpa!
I only met you the one time but wowee you look so much like your grandmother! Or since I met your mom too, your mom looks like her mother and you look your mom. Strong genes! Nice piece of art.
Lisa, I'm going to display it in my studio. Mom is over here all the time so she can enjoy it here. I might secretly gift it to her at some point. Shhhh. ;)
Stefani, if my grandma, mother and I stand in a line it's like looking at an age progression chart for the same person!!
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