I applied for my first juried craft show and have been accepted! Yay! Oh, now I have to get a bunch of work done. Awwww. Poor me. Success is so hard. *Wink wink.*
I am beside myself with joy about this show! As their website professes, “This is not Grandma’s doily craft show!" They are showing the works of some very fine artists who do the upscale shows here in Rochester and across the country. And now I am being included in that exclusive club. How cool is that?!
The show is at Schroeder High School at 875 Ridge Rd., Webster, NY, on Saturday, February 9th from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
The purpose is to fundraise for the Schlegel Rd Elementary School PTSA. It will follow a Valentine’s Day theme with jewelry, chocolates, flowers, cards, and candles. Their website shows photos of artists’ work. I am listed under "jewelry". I look forward to walking around and seeing the other displays and meeting people. And buying some chocolate.
Taking credit cards at craft shows has become the norm so I signed up for a virtual terminal. I hope it pays for itself. I’m using ProPay. If you are an Etsy seller they give you a 50% discount (email me for more info).
I hope to see many of you there, even if you have to buy a plane ticket! ☺