Our camping trip was a blast! We went to our usual KOA in Lewiston/Niagara Falls North. A major fire occurred there last summer. The office and camp store burned down. So we like to give them the repeat business as they rebuild. Plus these folks are super friendly and keep one of the cleanest public restrooms I have ever had the pleasure of using. We rough it, no water or electricity hook-ups for us, just clean bathrooms. We use the back tent area, as it’s a bit more private. Who wants to get away from suburban life just to be camping right next to 15 other people?

There’s just something about being in the woods that refreshes and recharges me. I’m like a different person out there. More relaxed, more spontaneous, more me. We ought to camp at least once a month! We only went for two nights. I wish we had booked an extra night… or week. Maybe next time. I want to bring some watercolors and sit in the woods and paint.
It rained Saturday morning so we had to go out to eat because the fire would not light. This is kind of cheating to me, but I cannot go hungry and camp, so we went out to a cute little diner. They had this sign posted:

It was fun to be rained-in in the tent. It rounded out the weather experience for me. I read Cloth, Paper, Scissors while we listened to the rain hit the tent fly. We need to seal the seams as some water came in and soaked my shoes and pillow.

Me sleeping in the tent while it rained.

Now I have 40+ mosquito bites on my ankles. It’s driving me mad. If anyone has a itchiness cure to tell me, I’m all ears.