My (second) best friend is moving to Texas today. Boo hoo! I’m very sad about this. She is such a wonderful and beautiful woman, mother, and friend. I met her at my old job helping people with mental illnesses. She has the biggest heart for helping people. We just really clicked as friends at a dark time when I thought any new friends were never going to happen for me. It feels like I have known her all my life. Yes, we are that kind of friends. I’m so lucky.
They are packing the truck as I write this. She called earlier today to ask if we wanted a couch and loveseat because they cannot fit them in the truck. I said “sure” without thinking about how I could get them to my house. The last hour was spent wrangling people and trucks to get this furniture so my friend does not have to worry about one more thing today. She sounded a bit frazzled on the phone.
Now I’m going to have a couch and loveseat that will remind me of her everyday. It is probably going to make me miss her more and more but the constant reminder of her will be good for me. I’m more likely to keep in constant touch with her this way. It might be painful at first, but I know she is going to be happier where she is moving to and away from these cold, endless winters.
Good luck, my dear good friend! I miss you already! Sniff.