This is my coffee page. The directions: “Pour, spill, drip, spit, fling your coffee here.” I followed each instruction. The spitting part was fun! The coffee soaked through at least 10 other pages. I have officially wrecked this journal!
The byline of the book is “To create is to destroy.” My mind has latched onto this idea. You have to destroy a perfectly blank piece of paper to make a drawing. You have to ruin a perfectly good tube of paint to make a painting. You have to shake things up now and again to stay fresh.
I decline to spoil the future fun by spilling the rest of the book’s activity secrets now. You’ll just have to keep reading to find out!!
So go out there today and create/destroy something!! Let me know what you did in the comments!
The coffee soaking through 10 other pages practically makes me flinch. I think I need this book!
You even spit artistically! Hope you and Mr. M. have a stupendous new year. xoxoxoxo
Oboy! I can hardly wait for the next installment. When I splatted coffee on my paper, I put a bit of white glue in it. It gave a bit of a different kind of splat pattern, but was definitely not spittable!
this looks like fun. I don't have any trouble wrecking books or journals, but it looks like this could give me even more ideas. Yeehaw!
I had to reread that one part, "Did she say spit??"
Cool project - can't wait to see what comes next!
I bought that exact book for my daughter for christmas. It has been fun. Have you mailed to your self yet? (as the back cover suggests)
I've done this journal with my kids to help them learn to color outside the lines and what is beautiful to one may not be beautiful to another and that's OKAY!
Have fun and keep taking pictures!
(I think there is a flickr group for this book too.)
Sounds very cathartic! :)
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Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.