It's week 5 of Index-Card-A-Day 2013 (at least in my little world). No, it's really two days until the end of nine weeks of Index-Card-A-Day fun. Can it be over so soon?
Well, not for me. I'm still catching myself up on cards and catching you up on my work. I want to keep all these posts and cards in order, but there may be a post later with cards I went back and made up for. Of course, for too lengthy blog posts, I'm not sharing every single index card. Some of mine came out awful (and that could be a post in itself).

"Oh, My Deer!" ICAD : 6-30-13
Gelli™ printed tissue paper, acrylic paint, colored pencil, gel pen, text on 3" x 5" index card.
This scrap of Gelli™ printed tissue paper had the exact shape of a deer on it! I just added a few details like the eye, ear definition, shading, and the text.

"Layered Gelli™ Printed Petals" ICAD : 7-1-13
Molding paste, acrylic paint, Gelli™ printed paper collage, marker on 3" x 5" index card.
My Gelli™ printing sprees produce a ton of yummy papers for collage. These are mainly junk mail scraps and book pages I printed. All the petals were hand-cut and are layered in this collage. I used the end of my finger to curl the ends of all the petals, but the scan I have here doesn't show the real dimension of the piece.

"My Favorite Washi Tape" ICAD : 7-2-13
Washi tape and DYMO lettering on 3" x 5" index card.
I needed a really quick make-up card for this day so I just grabbed my five favorite washi tapes and my DYMO. Is it possible to just have five favorite washi tapes?! NO!

"Summer Fun" ICAD : 7-3-13
Gelli™ printed background, handmade stamps, gel pen, calligraphy pen, archival ink on 3" x 5" index card.
There were parts of this Gelli™ printed background that I really didn't like. So I stamped my pie chart and asterisk hand-cut stamps over it. The pie charts looked like beach balls to me on the colorful background. I colored them in with opaque gel pens and added some white gel pen accents. My calligraphy could use some help. I tried to disguise my mistakes with a hot pink opaque gel pen, but the calligraphy ink bled right through.
I did a card for the 4th of July and it can be seen in my post here.

"Heart Garland" ICAD : 7-5-13
Gelli™ printed background with hand-cut paper hearts stitched to 3" x 5" index card.
The Gelli™ printed background for this one sat on my desk since the start of Index-Card-A-Day. It was too pretty to cover up with a lot of collage. Each heart is Gelli™ printed book page and was hand-cut by me. I lightly glued them to the card before sending the lot through the sewing machine. I really like how this one turned out and may turn the design into something bigger.

"Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge" ICAD : 7-6-13
Spray ink, acrylic paint, stamp, ink, gel pen, paper collage on 3" x 5" index card.
I masked and sprayed the background with spray inks. Then I stamped with paint and ink and doodled on it. The quote is stamped on a scrap of painty phonebook page and was given dimension with foam tape behind it. The paper backing the quote is part of the mask I used with the spray ink - it matched the colors! How handy!
- Vickie