On Valentine’s Day, Erik and I went to Color Me Mine to paint some pottery as our romantic date! Art + Love = A Happy Vickie.
I painted a bowl for eating big delicious dinner sized salads. The pink I chose complements green leafies very well. Once it was painted, I used a toothpick to scratch away the glaze to make the vine pattern. It turned out better than I thought it would have.

Erik chose a rice bowl with holes for keeping his chopsticks from rolling away. The technique he used was all about bubbles, huge piles of soapy, painty bubbles. He mixed dish soap with his glaze and blew into it with a straw. He let the bubbles overflow out of the cup and onto his bowl. I looked up from my paining and saw this huge billowing pile of bubbles on the table. I wish I had brought my camera. It was hilarious. The detail left by the bubbles is amazing. I didn’t think the little ones were going to show up that well.
Going to paint pottery is a bit expensive but lots of fun. I could see this happening frequently for gifts and whatnot. Plus, who doesn’t need more bowls?