Hello! Good to see you!
Since I began the journey into finding myself more as an artist than what I do for my "day job" I thought it might be good to make a blog about it, share with other artists, "commune creatively" if you will. So this blog will tend more towards arts and what I am working on and maybe some other daily ephemera from my life and photographs. Sounds like fun to me!
I have been making things all my life. Never could have enough paper, glue, markers in my house growing up. Now it seems I have too much as look around my eternally messy studio space in the second bedroom of our apartment. ("Our" means me and my life partner's home together.) I cannot manage to work in a clean environment. Everything must be at hand at all times for when I might need it. So maybe, if you are good, you might see a photo of my studio someday when it isn't quite so embarrassing.
Current projects: setting up my etsy.com shop, a huge paper making project taking over my kitchen and dining room, 6 glass collage pendants need polishing with the dremel, need to rubber stamp and paint something for an art swap with a pal locally, and, ... oh, my I better get busy. See you soon!