Monday, March 11, 2013

{be creative everyday: 2013} MARCH 8

Gelli Print Collage - work in progress

paper collage of acrylic monoprints, gel pen, ink, handmade stamps
5.5" x 4.25"
© 2013 Victoria Porter

This isn't quite the finished version. I added a little more detail to it after I took this photo with my phone. 

All of these pieces of paper were printed on my gelli plate. Some were already printed with text, like the Japanese newspaper I picked up on a visit to Austin, Texas, and some dictionary pages. Using my hand-carved stamps and black archival ink, I stamped some designs on some of the pieces.  

I'm deciding whether or not to send it through my sewing machine for some random stitching. It feels disparate to me and needs some cohesion. 

What do you think? Stitching or not?

Happy Monday!

- Vickie


  1. This is so beautiful! I think sewing would be a wonderful addition. A great way to connect all the pieces!

  2. Yes stitching!! I love your work!!

  3. I think stitching would be lovely! Just be sure it has a strong enough base under it, so as not to tear the delicate Japanese papers.

  4. Oh absolutely stitching...that would tie it all in together beautifully. Wonderful collage!

  5. Beautiful work and the colours are just delish!!

  6. Mad love for this-yes stitch away!


Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.