Sunday, June 10, 2012

Challenge! Index-Card-A-Day 2012

be brave and shine

I am jumping into the water over at DaisyYellow for the 2012 Index-Card-A-Day Challenge! What am I talking about? Here are the details!
The 2012 Index-Card-A-Day challenge runs June 1 to July 31, 2012. Make something on an index card every day for 61 days. If you start after June 1st you do not need to catch up, really, truly, seriously, just start. This is not a fancy schmancy challenge. You don't have to be on twitter or flickr or facebook or have a blog. Just index cards!

61 days, you say? That sounded like quite the commitment... until I realized...

It doesn't have to be the Mona Lisa every day for 61 days!  
Just do something!

Well, that sounds better. All I have to do is SOMETHING. Particularly a 3" x 5" something on an index card - because that's the size I have handy. And, since I am working on practicing more kindness towards myself, there will be no beating up of my self-esteem if I miss a day. (Got that, brain? I'm talking to you.)

I can always catch back up. After all, this is a CHALLENGE! So, yeah, it's sort of going to be a challenge for me to spit out something everyday - especially on days where I can't even lift my own head. 

Plus I am starting late due to my vacation and I absolutely do not feel the need to try to catch up on 7 cards unless the mood strikes me. And that's OK! 

The card pictured above is my card for yesterday - Saturday, June 9, 2012. It was created with watercolor, colored pencils, inks, stamps, stencils, and a bit of gel pen. I like the colors on this one. It had me craving mango smoothies later that night! 
First Index-Card-A-Day!

My Index-Card-A-Day 2012 for June 8, 2012. Created with watercolor, Pitt pens, and Copic marker. I intended to keep this one simple to start with, but the juicy watercolors were calling me and I painted this with a small waterbrush. Now I am glad I took the extra time on it.  

An amazing number of folks are getting involved! Check out the flickr group

I hope you will join us! Get your friends and family involved - even if it's for just one card. You will most certainly have a fun time with them making art!

I am now off for a lazy Sunday with Mr. M and hopefully more mango smoothies!

- Vickie


  1. Both cards are wonderful but I especially love the first one.

  2. Absolutely love the layers in the first card but they're both beautiful!

  3. Great cards! I had the same ah! moment you did...these don't have to be works of art, that's not the point is it? Of course there are cards I have made that don't speak to me once I was done, oh well, I just needed to make them, that's all.

    Your cards are turning out great so far. Your first one made me think I need to get my two stencils out and use them for a card, maybe today!

  4. Wow! I love these cards. Both of them. And the Flickr group is crazy inspiring, and so supportive.

  5. Both cards are great! I really love the top yellow one. :-)

  6. I just adore your Shine card!

    ...we must be about the same age, I remember the line from that 'funny farm' song!(in your comment line, above) and "where life is beautiful all the time..." you sure made me smile!


Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.