Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Some Recent Photos

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I finally jumped on the bandwagon and bought some spray inks. I kinda like 'em! I made this with an alphabet stencil, some masks, scrapbooking borders, punched tags, and rubber bands. 

The colors are very vibrant - some a little too dark for my taste. I bought some extra little spray bottles so I can dilute the inks to make them lighter. I have to keep reminding myself to not spray colors over each other too much or I'll get a muddy mess.

The moon & Jupiter.

The moon and Jupiter were really bright in the sky in March!

Sock bunnies!

Easter: We made sock bunnies!! These turned out waaay cuter than I expected! They are easy enough to make that my 4 and 7 year old nieces made theirs all by themselves.

Leave your Instagram name in the comments so I can follow you! 

Hope you're having a great week! 

- Vickie


  1. Ooh, I really like those stencils. Eric's been playing with spray paints and masking all week, and I like the effect a lot. I'll try to get him to blog about it so you can see!

  2. Yes, spray inks and stencils are fun fun fun!

    I LOVE those sock bunnies!

    (no instagram here, sorry)

  3. @Joolie Thank you very much! I'm having fun with these inks and making more of my own stencils. I would love to see more of Eric's work!

  4. @Leslie, hi! Thanks for your comment! The bunnies are so much cuter in a gang of 3 or more. I still have mine sitting on my mantel! Check out the tutorial. It's surprisingly simple!


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