Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Purple, Orange and Black: Halloween!

"Purple, Orange, and Black" Etsy Treasury by Jackbear: RNEST

It's a wicked awesome Rochester NY Etsy Street Team Treasury by Jackbear Stamps!

All of these creepy critters and delightful handmade pieces are made locally by Rochester, NY artisans from the Rochester NY Etsy Street Team (RNEST). I will add that they are all delightful people, too! I am having a great time being on this team. It's really fun to get together in person with other Etsy sellers and talk shop.

We have a very active team. Our Team Blog is always hopping with great crafty info and even better giveaways. Each Wednesday, our team features a new giveaway. That's every week! You could win all of your holiday gifts and be done with shopping this way! Plus you'll be giving handmade. Win win!

Keep your eyes on the RNEST blog for some sweet events we have planned! You don't want to miss them! 

(While you're here, please take a moment to visit this Treasury and hand out some clicks and favorites! Our whole team will appreciate it!)

- Vickie 

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