Friday, May 6, 2011

It Got Better... Way Better

New Hostas - New Camera

Today kind of started off in “meh”-mode. Just could not wake up today and focus. I reserve these days for goofing off.

“How can you tell?”, you ask.

Don’t get smart.

So I answered emails, edited photos, and poked around in the mess on my work table. I tweeted. A lot. Maybe too much. But can you blame me? Today, the local paper listed me as a Rochester Young Professional “Tweep” To Follow (in the slideshow). Yeah. Uh huh. I’m a big deal on Twitter. That’s right. Make way.

Then the postman rang our doorbell (just once) because he didn’t want to leave a big box on my porch (for once). It was my new digital camera, a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS6. Joy! Alas, I was too excited to open the box. Seriously. I was all thumbs and knew I would either rip one of those thumbs open with the box cutter or drop my new precious the moment I got my sweaty thumbs on it. Trust me, I know all of this from experience. I made Mr. M open it. And oh, it’s so shiny and pretty. I finally own a Leica lens!

The day kept getting better.

My artsy pal Kelly (aka @craftyb) met her Kickstarter funding goal for Once Upon A Time. I adore the work she and Larry Moss do with balloons, photography, and illustration. I donated because I want to see the amazing they are going to make.

I had an awesome phone call with my friend of about 13+ years, Christi (aka Rain). We seem to be on some parallel/crossing/same paths lately in a woo woo, get-out-of-my-head way that I am thoroughly digging. So we pow wow a lot about it. Today was nothing short of a powerful pow wow.

Christi knows everyone in town. You need it, she can find it. Arts, music, poetry… She knows who you need to know or can point you there. She is an extremely talented poet, musician, singer/songwriter, and visual artist. She invited me to her performance Saturday night. Mr. M and I planned to attend and to meet the organizers as Christi thought these events would be a good fit for my art. I wanted to promote Christi so I sent a short Facebook message to the organizer about needing a higher resolution image of their poster to put here on my blog.

Then The Universe stepped in.

One of the female artists they showcase Saturday needed out and they needed someone. I was just in the right place at the right time. Or The Universe shoved me into the right place. I don’t know. But it’s woo woo, right? Luck? Hard work paying off?

I am nothing short of thrilled to be asked to be part of this show! Woo hoo for female artists!

reHatched Poster

Please come down to the delightfully charming

Tango Café
Saturday, May 7, 2011
7 – 10:30 PM!
389 Gregory Street
Rochester, NY

I’ll have my Tiny Works of Awesome in case you missed us at Mayday Underground! Your pre-sale $10 ticket ($12 at the door) gets you a glass of wine and admission to another reHatched event (every first Saturday through September) in addition to the rocking awesome music, art, poetry, food, and wine! Tickets can be purchased through local participants, at Tango Cafe, and also through the Local Visionaries website (

If The Universe is bringing me there I think you should pay attention, too! Be there! Bring your molecules where my molecules will be having a fun party!

- Vickie

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