Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Craft Show Happenings

Yesterday kicked off the 2010 craft show season for me and I think Rochester, NY in general. “What?” you say. “A show on a Monday?” Yep. It was Columbus Day and many folks had the day off. The turnout was actually quite good! We did really well, I am happy to report!

And I must say that is a good thing because I worked my butt off this week, as did my mom and Mr. M to get ready for this show. My pals Heather and Maggie also worked like little elves for me, too. With all the health issues going on and the memory problems associated with them I forgot to really look at inventory early enough. The inventory box contained a little less than I thought it did. So a slight mad scramble ensued. I cranked out tiny art. Mom sealed the dominoes. Heather and Maggie put on the cord findings for pendants. Mr. M ran ribbons for domino ornaments. It’s nice to have minions really good helpers!

However, the stress of putting in 15-hour days all week got to me and I crashed hard Sunday night incapacitated in bed in pain. Mom, Mr. M and Heather were left with the final packing of all the show items. Thankfully I made good lists so it was slightly easier on them. I wanted to cancel the show if I could not finish it all myself. I’m sick of everyone picking up the pieces when I become ill. But they throw the “Well, if it was one of us, wouldn’t you pack up our show for us?!” Uh, yes. Absolutely. Yes, I would. Hands down. No question. But for some reason, the same just does not apply to me. Hmmmm… Baggage claim! Aisle 3!!

What I really needed was sleep. Mr. M and Mom set up the booth at 8:00 AM by themselves. They are pros at it by now. I slept in and Mr. M picked me up a bit later. This worked out well because this show was a long day, not ending until 7:00 PM. See what a lovely job they did setting up?

Halloween Domino Pendant Display

Craft Show Table Display

Domino Pendant & Domino Ornament Table Display

We have Halloween on one end of the table, Scrabble tile pendants and domino pendants in the middle, then checker and domino key chains, and Christmas domino ornaments at the other end of the table. Sales were a pretty even mix between all of them except the key chains. Not one sold.

I always look forward to the first holiday season show so I can catch up with my craft show buddies. It’s an awful lot of fun to be on the vendor side of the table!

Upcoming 2010 Shows

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Victor PTSA Arts & Crafts Show
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Victor Intermediate School
953 High Street
Victor, NY

Saturday, October 23, 2010
St. Rita’s Craft Sale
9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
St. Rita School
1008 Maple Drive
Webster, NY

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mayday Underground
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Village Gate Square
274 N. Goodman St
Rochester, NY
The first 50 shoppers will receive a free swag bag!

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Irondequoit High School’s Arts & Crafts Sale
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Irondequoit High School
260 Cooper Rd

Rochester, NY


  1. Hi! I hope things are going well! Thank you for supporting Mayday Underground! I'll see you then!

  2. Aw! That's so awesome you have friends and family to help you out so much when you're not doing so well. Even to go set up for you and then pick you up later! That's so great! I hope you're feeling better and look forward to seeing you at Mayday Underground!

  3. @ Amanda: Thanks! See you in November!

    @ Kira: I so could not do this without my family. They keep me going! Se you at Mayday Underground!

  4. Nice set-up! :)

    And yeah, my friends give me the same line all the time, "Well, if it was ME that needed the help, would you do it for ME?" Um, yeah. Accepting help has been the most difficult thing I think I've ever done.

    Oh, and I'm totally moving to Rochester. You guys have FAB-U-LOUS shows. I'm going to set up between you and Stefani. ;)


Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.