Monday, March 29, 2010

Graffiti Art Painting

I have not really made anything in weeks. So I was getting a hard core art jones going. Inspired by the class I’m taking from Traci Bautista I sat down in a few spare minutes yesterday to make this.

Graffiti Art Painting

It is created on 8 1/2" by 11" ivory cardstock with gel medium, acrylic paint, and Sharpie paint pens. The yellow decoration down the left side is paper tape.

Graffiti Art :: Close

Graffiti Art :: Close

I will be sending this along with some paper goodies for a swap. I suppose it could be used like a collage sheet and torn up and used in other artwork. Or it could be framed as is.

It was really fun to make and I thing I’ll do some more work in this style. I seem to be getting caught up in a lot of planning and that's starting to stifle me a bit. This page was just a big, fun doodle. I need to let go more and trust the process!


  1. Lovely. I wish I could get a hold of sharpie paint pens! They look fab. Don't think they sell them in UK.

  2. I've seen Traci on Craft Lab a bunch of times. I can see her influence - nice piece, Vickie!

  3. Beautiful! Which class is it that you are taking by her? I'm contemplating taking one but they all look so great! I would love to make collage papers like this, any suggestion which class would be best for that?

  4. Traci is such an inspiration, but your paper is awesome Vickie! I would use it as a cover for a journal! :-)

  5. i love your graffiti art....I'd love to follow one of traci's class....Do you learn good stuffs????
    love from belgium

  6. Thanks for your comments!!

    Traci Bautista has all sorts of classes going on right now or soon. They all look so wonderful I can't tell which one might be best. But I can say the class I took was chock full of delicious ideas and inspiration.

    More about her workshops:


Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.