Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

My Ornament

I got this as a gift when I was born from a grandparent... not sure which one. My twin sister has one just like it with her name on it. This is one of my most treasured belongings. So that makes it about 35 years old! Yikes!

I nearly died last night when it wasn't in the ornament box as we decorated our tree (rather late, I might add). The box it was in somehow got separated from the Christmas boxes in the basement and it was well hidden in a seat bench. I couldn't find my ornament for about an hour. It was a horrible feeling, but I'm happy now that it is safely on the tree! When my nieces were born I made sure to get one for each of them. It made my sister cry.

These are what I've been working on today and this week.

Charm Ornaments Tag

This one is inspired by Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas 2009: Day 5. These little plastic charms are a product in his line. The images are glued to the backs with Glossy Accents. You can see these pictures bigger at flickr by clicking on them.

Charm Ornaments Tag :: Close

Charm Ornaments Tag :: Close

Charm Ornaments Tag :: Close

I made this tag this morning to give to my mom for Christmas. I really like gold embossing powder! And I cannot let a tag be with just one ribbon. It has to have lots of foofiness!

Seasons Greeting Gold Tag

This tag is for my mom as a gift. She's a big fan of my work! Ha! Anyway, what says "I love you" better than handmade?

Seasons Greeting Gold Tag :: Close

Seasons Greeting Gold Tag :: Close

Seasons Greeting Gold Tag :: Ribbons and Yarn

I hope you are having a very merry Christmas, if it's your thing! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Vicki, those tags are great and I'm likin' your new blog makeover.

    Someday ... I'll do mine. More to do before then.

    Happy New Year!
    Linda B.


Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.