Friday, September 11, 2009

Picture the Impossible

Let me just say that I love scavenger hunts of any kind. Sign me up! So while perusing Twitter I found out about Picture the Impossible. There was a link to the Facebook group and I signed on immediately without really knowing what I was getting into. But they said “scavenger hunt” so I was in!

Picture the Impossible is a city-wide game hosted by many of the big names in town like Rochester Institute of Technology, Kodak, and our local newspaper, the Democrat and Chronicle. There are going to be all sorts of games in the newspaper and local events to attend and get codes and clues. Wheeee!

I cannot wait for this to start this weekend!! The newspaper said today I will have to go to the Clothesline Art Festival at the Memorial Art Gallery and get codes. We were planning on going anyway so now it’s going to be even more interesting.

Picture the Impossible is also raising money for local charities. When you sign up, you join a faction. I joined The Tree faction and the money raised from the points I earn will go to the Golisano Children's Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

The game culminates in a gala party held on Oct. 31st at RIT's new Student Innovation Center. Only 300 people get to go and invites will be based on how well you do in the game standings. I really hope to go!!

So the next month and a half will be fun with me running around the city trying to figure this stuff out. My twin sister also signed up and we joined the same faction. I’m really looking forward to doing this with her. She is lots of fun! She loves scavenger hunts, too!

I’ll keep you posted about this event!


  1. What fun! That's really clever! I wish I had something fun like that going on!

  2. How cool! This sounds like just your kind of thing. I picture you and Val as an unstoppable force, and the hunt a totally movable object.

  3. Sounds like great fun...wish something like that was happening were I live...keep us informed as to how you get on!

  4. can't wait to hear about and see pictures of this way cool event!
    What an awesome idea for a fund raiser.


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