Friday, September 11, 2009

Picture the Impossible

Let me just say that I love scavenger hunts of any kind. Sign me up! So while perusing Twitter I found out about Picture the Impossible. There was a link to the Facebook group and I signed on immediately without really knowing what I was getting into. But they said “scavenger hunt” so I was in!

Picture the Impossible is a city-wide game hosted by many of the big names in town like Rochester Institute of Technology, Kodak, and our local newspaper, the Democrat and Chronicle. There are going to be all sorts of games in the newspaper and local events to attend and get codes and clues. Wheeee!

I cannot wait for this to start this weekend!! The newspaper said today I will have to go to the Clothesline Art Festival at the Memorial Art Gallery and get codes. We were planning on going anyway so now it’s going to be even more interesting.

Picture the Impossible is also raising money for local charities. When you sign up, you join a faction. I joined The Tree faction and the money raised from the points I earn will go to the Golisano Children's Hospital at the University of Rochester Medical Center.

The game culminates in a gala party held on Oct. 31st at RIT's new Student Innovation Center. Only 300 people get to go and invites will be based on how well you do in the game standings. I really hope to go!!

So the next month and a half will be fun with me running around the city trying to figure this stuff out. My twin sister also signed up and we joined the same faction. I’m really looking forward to doing this with her. She is lots of fun! She loves scavenger hunts, too!

I’ll keep you posted about this event!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nature At It's Finest

My friend Joolie who recently came to visit (and I have unkindly not filled you in on that very fun visit yet because I've been so busy) is the funniest person I know. Case in point is the following video narrated by the wildlife expert/artist Eric, who also happens to be her hubby. I will say no more and just let you enjoy. (But I will add that I want to go live with them because this kind of fun stuff happens all the time in their house.)

This video was inspired by this video.

I seem to be on some sort of funny video sharing trip. Hope you don't fire me. More news from the actual studio soon! I swear promise!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Interview With Gloria From Facebook Fans On Etsy

Ruthie Stickney, of Roseworks Jewelry, posted such a great article about Gloria Bray and Facebook Fans on Etsy Street Team (FFEST) I asked her if I could repost her article and she said yes! So the original article can be found here.

Here is what Ruthie had to say on her blog:

I interviewed the team leader of one of my teams, FFEST, to tell you a little bit more about our new team! Sorry for the lack of pictures in today's post - just not up to it.

1. Can you tell us how the team started?
In mid-July I began a thread on the Etsy Promotions forum asking for Facebook fans for my shop's fan page. My original intent was to get to the magic 100 to have a shortened URL. It became a very popular thread and I decided to begin a group on Facebook to share information. One day while checking the thread I got this crazy thought, "There should be an Etsy Street Team for Facebook Fans on Etsy." Silly me, I decided to post that on the thread and it sort of took on a life of its own. The wonderful thing that happened was other Etsy sellers jumped on the bandwagon and most importantly volunteered to assist with this crazy idea. Once we got started it started to fall into place rather quickly. By mid-August we were "official". As of September 1st there are 22 members signed on to FFEST! My hope is that we grow at a slow and steady pace.
2. What are the goals of the team?
Networking and promotion with a heaping side of FUN thrown in. Here is the description that I originally used on the FB group:

"A diverse group of artisans and crafters who have shops on and Facebook pages in order to promote the sale of handcrafted items. Also, to share ways to improve sales and promotions through Facebook."
First and foremost, promoting the team and each other to increase traffic in all our shops. Each month the members have a point goal of 20 to achieve to remain listed as an active member on the team blog. Many of the tasks suggested involve promoting another members shop or the team as a whole. We use more than Etsy and Facebook to do so. We tweet on twitter, have contest and in the future some giveaways, and we blog. I have already found that the more visible you are as a team, the better chance of increased sales. I recently had sales that I can contribute to the promotion of our team!
Another wonderful aspect of the team is the concept of "Pay It Forward" What I have found is this group is made up of many caring individuals. If some one is in need of fans or assistance, everyone steps right up to help. When I think about the FFEST team, I am moved and grateful that they have come into my life. As we learn about being a team and grow in numbers, it will be exciting to see what directions we will go in. This is a group effort and as a team we are open to suggestions and ideas.
3. My readers want to know, "I want to be a member! How do I join and what do I need to do once I've joined?"
There are two basic requirements to request membership.
  • ♥ You must have an Etsy shop with 10 or more items for sale. We want active sellers!
  • ♥ You must have a Facebook Fan page with 100 or more fans. This will only increase the visibility of the team as a whole.
We are Facebook Fans on Etsy, so it makes sense that those two elements are non-negotiable. So if someone has those covered the next step is visiting our forum home and checking out the other requirements. At that time, if someone believes this team will be a good fit, they can follow the directions at the left-hand side of the forum home page and we will set the approval process in motion. This involves emailing me the requested information. Once I receive it and check for the basic requirements, I will send an invitation from the forum for that person to join us.

Once a member is approved, they can post to their heart's content on the forum, use the tag "ffest team" for items posted in their Etsy shop, and participate in team promotion through our monthly points roll call. That info can be found on our team blog and forum.
4. Where can we find the team? (blogs, FB, ning...)
We seem to be EVERYWHERE. Our main page is: - the forum that serves as our team "home" - the place where we blog it! You can find our team treasuries posted here along with contests, featured FFESTy friends, and more. This is a work in progress! There are also a links to our shops, blogs and twitter accounts. - follow us and we will follow you!! - the FB group that got the ball rolling and a great place to find fans! We ask that you join the group before requesting membership to FFEST. - the now famous thread on the Etsy Promotions forum that is still active! It was started on 7/20/09 and now has 88 pages of 879 posts! And to think I was just looking for 100 fans on Facebook!
5. Anything else we should know about the team?

There are some incredibly talented and dedicated individuals that step up to this challenge and have become part of the FFEST Admin Team (thank goodness because I couldn't do this alone!)
Missy of - she set up the Ning forum and spent a Saturday afternoon on the phone with me working out the logistics of creating a street team... it was so nice to talk in real time with such a kind and talented person!

Heather of - she is our liaison between the team and the Etsy staff. She was the point person for all the info that needed to be sent with the initial team request.

Cheryl of - keeps the official team roster and is a lover of all things purple! She recently snagged a team treasury that was (you guessed it!) purple!!

Talina of - did an amazing job with our team blog and our graphics! The one thing that I thought was extremely important was branding our team and our team avatar is bright and easily recognizable! It goes for Etsy orange to FB blue!

Anglea of - contributed tons of time and ideas to the team start up and now has the role of Promotions Goddess! She is always looking for giveaway and contest ideas. I know I am looking foward to some of the things she has planned.

Vickie of - is the Leader of the Etsy Twitter Team and has signed on as a blogger, tweeter and all-around wealth of information! She blogs about any team treasuries we might snag.

Without these ladies, this team would not have come to be. I am eternally grateful for their time and talents. We are still learning what works and what needs to be changed. It will take time to settle into a good pattern. With these ladies on board it will happen sooner rather than later!
6. Take a minute to promote your self! Give us you shop addy and tell us a little about what you sell :)
I have a shop on Etsy called Lucky Ladybug Designs (LLD) at I set it up in April of 2007. At that time LLD wasn't in the picture. I put some bracelets on there and nothing and I pretty much forgot about it. I took my bracelets in to work one day and sold quite a few and had a great response to my designs. One woman suggested that I sell them online... Etsy popped into my head. I needed to come up with some sort of name. The date was 7-7-07... needed to have something to do with luck. Then it hit me! Ladybugs are considered lucky and after a couple of different tries, I came up with Lucky Ladybug Designs.

I have the cutest little ladybug as my avatar... branding!

I began by selling jewelry and branched out to crocheted items and now I am moving in the direction of sewing. I love my mini key fobs... they would make a perfect stocking stuffer!! After many attempts I came up with the fat-bottom clutch which is a wonderful make-up bag since is stands up and has easy access. I love to crochet simple things like the cotton cloths and scarves. I am constantly getting inspired by things I might see in a store or the work of others. I usually see something then say to myself "but I would change this or that" and go home and try it.

About me in general, I am 47. I live in Indianapolis. I have two children, a grown son - 20 and a teenaged daughter - 17 who receives a lot of my "attempts". I am married to a wonderful man who tolerates my crafting. I am also active in the local community theaters in Indy. I am an administrative assistant by day - the job that supports my crazy crafting habit. And I happen to love ladybugs ~ go figure!!

Thanks, Gloria, for sharing your story! And thanks to Ruthie for letting me repost this!

I hope you stay tuned for more great stuff from this team called FFEST that I'm helping out with. We have some great things on the fire coming up soon!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fun Videos I Found On Twitter

I don't normally post videos on this blog but now I wonder, “Why not?” I like 'em. I watch 'em. I should share the great ones I find! And I found two yesterday and today that I think you will really enjoy.

The first one is called "Extreme Sticky Notes Experiments". I like this one because it involves paper and we all know that I love paper! This short film makes me want to run out and buy more sticky notes! Enjoy!

This next slightly longer “short film” is called “The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello”. It will be the best 26:08 you have spent today! Seriously… if you’re into this kind of thing. And by “thing” I mean “silhouette style steampunk gorgeously delicious art animation plus a good story”. My jaw was literally hanging open during most of this as it is so beautifully animated and the art is stunning. I had to watch it twice in order to take it all in. I know you’re going to like this one, too! Have fun picking your jaw up off the floor!

I hope you are having a lovely Labor Day! I don't really have plans at all so I'm going to hang in the studio. I applied for four craft shows this holiday season so it's full tilt domino Christmas ornament making time. I begrudge having to do Christmas stuff in September but I won't be ready if I don't get a move on it now.

I hope you enjoyed these videos as much as I did. And I wish you and yours a Happy Labor Day!

I'm still having a sale! 15% off ALL purchases made now through September 7th at!!
Just checkout like normal and I will give your discount through a prompt PayPal refund. Happy Shopping!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Blogging Goodness!

I just wanted to say "Thank You!!" to everyone who blogged me this week as I am the Etsy Twitter Team Shop of the Week through Sunday.

15% off ALL purchases made now through September 7th at!!
Just checkout like normal and I will give your discount through a prompt PayPal refund. Happy Shopping!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Warning: New Background Alert

I'm testing out a new background. I wanted something more funky, more "me" and this fits the bill. I know I need to change the purple in my banner to match the background purple and I will do that this week probably.

I would love to know what you think! It doesn't look like a carnival in here now, does it? I honestly want your honest opinions!! My ego is not so fragile that you cannot tell me it stinks. :) Comment away!