Sunday, August 2, 2009

Robot Army in My Garage - I Wish!

I don't normally blog Etsy Treasuries that I didn't create or that I'm not in. Once in a while, one comes along that strikes my fancy, and this one did just that. One of my Twitter friends made it.

Created by
Expires August 3rd

I adore assembled robots made from junky and/or antique parts!! My normal practice is to say, “Oooh! Nice Treasury!” and maybe click on a few items. But not this one. I savored each of these listings to their full degree. I hearted some shops and items. Unfortunately, most of these are too expensive for my art-buying budget. So I can only hope I’ll win the lottery and can buy all of them someday!

My secret dream is to have a studio in the garage where I can do this kind of work. I’ll go to every garage sale and flea market I can find and hoard old bits of kitchen gadgets, tins, and hardware. Then, back at my secret lab, I will gather my finds, produce little bits of robot love, sprinkle in a good measure of Artificial Intelligence, and voilá! A small army of awesome robots to defend my hardware stash from my hunny throwing it all out because, as he says, “We don’t need any more of this junk!” Mwwuuuhahahhahaha!! It’s the perfect plan! Next stop: Global Etsy domination!

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Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.