Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leprechaun Scavenger Hunt Contest Results

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

We had a tremendous amount of turn out for our “Find the Leprechaun” Scavenger Hunt Contest! Our total number of entries was 292! Out of those 292 entries, five were drawn for prizes! And the winners are…

Wasabi Ginger Soap Bar by Soap Rehab: Leigh P.

Vanilla Caramels by Fat Daddy Sweets: Alorinna

Fabric Flower Brooch by Tamdoll: Jennifer I.

Fairy Chime Bracelet by Emily Claire Creations: Elizabeth F.

Natural Green Chrysoprase Earrings by Joslin Jewels: Michelle

Thanks to all of our prize donors, participating shops, and all who blogged and tweeted on Twitter about our contest. A special thank you goes out to Etsy.com for tweeting about our contest! I know our numbers were boosted by the @Etsy mention.

Of course, a great big thank you goes out to all who entered and found the leprechauns. Lots of the entrants mentioned how much fun they were having finding the little guys. I’m glad it was entertaining as well!

I must say that I am very impressed by how this team has come together in the past few months. Our members share resources and information with each other all the time on our Google Group. A few new projects have been created by some of our members in part by belonging to the team. So if you participated in this promotion or not, I want to say that I really do love running this team and being a part of such a wonderful group. We are the best team on Etsy!

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