Monday, December 8, 2008

Featured at Bloomacious!

Silent Night Ornament - Altered Domino - Stocking Stuffer - Gift Decoration

My altered domino ornaments are featured on today!

Carrie Leber, Editorial Director of bloomacious, contacted me last week after seeing my dominos on flickr. She wanted to know what my inspiration was! Go check out the post to read more about it!

I’m so excited! Can you tell? So many wonderful things and connections with my online community have been happening this week. I feel so blessed to have my work validated in this way. After a couple lousy craft shows this year I have been asking myself “what am I doing wrong?” That’s when I decided to let go of my expectations for this business and just do what I love doing. What happened? Sales online increased, several great opportunities have come my way, and I’ve made many new friends online. Who knows what will happen next?

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Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.