Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Art Journal: 8-27-08

the beginning: 8-27-08
(click to see bigger over at flickr!)

I honestly didn’t know where else to start but at the beginning. This page is kind of an introduction to my project. A welcoming, if you will, to the pages behind this one.

Pieces of torn old book pages were collaged with gel medium. Then I panted it with gesso and some brown and green paints. A fancy rubber stamp was impressed randomly about the page in dye-based green ink. The typewriter keys lettering was stamped and embossed onto vintage Sear’s catalog pages and cut out. I hand stitched around the border of some funky Basic Grey paper, and then glued on the letters. White pigment ink was used to stamp the same fancy stamp I used for the background along the edges of the lettering background.

The same book page collage technique was used to make a smaller journaling piece and was painted the same way. I edged it with dark brown and olive green pigment ink that I then heat set. Another strip of different Basic Grey paper was added down the side along with some very vintage lace my grandmother gave me.

I’m rather happy with the result of my first art journal page. This work produced some nice ideas for other work I want to get finished for my next craft show in November.


  1. I am interrupting my conversation with Eric about how amazing you are to leave this comment. Everything you do, no matter how simple or complex, looks like you did it. I think this is a really good experiment.

  2. This is cool...and I love the new coffee pendant, too!


Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.