Monday, November 5, 2007

How to Tell if You Have Overdosed on Etsy

I had a terrible nightmare last night that my avatar on Etsy was a broken link and no one could get to my store! The horror! Maybe I should not dicker around online so much today and actually work.

Today's projects include finishing pendants, making chains for them, and writing a short biography for a very nice consignment offer I received via Etsy.

At the craft store today, I managed to spend under $20 even though I was in there for an hour, which is a rather big feat for me. I usually take hours wandering the aisles dreaming about what I could make with this or that if only I had an unlimited spending budget. But today was all business choosing chains and findings for jewelry. I would have ordered them from a great seller on Etsy but I'm in too big a hurry to get them finished. Most of what I bought was from the $1 clearance bins! Love great finds like that!

Tomorrow I have to run to Sears for soldering iron tips after work. I go through them too quickly. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong with that, please enlighten me.

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Without your comments, I'm just talking to myself! Say something before they come to take me away. Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee.